Core Principle of FAA – Our Rights

FAA believes that our natural environment and heritage is for everyone, wherever they live, thus it campaigns to promote, enhance and protect this right, so that everyone can benefit from and value it.

Our Quality of life is deteriorating and our politicians and planning agencies seem to be in denial. This is about uprooting a deep rot of organised vandalism that has infiltrated government agencies.

FAA has articulated that vision as a key objective in the form of a non-partisan charter as the Americans did with its Constitution which became guiding principles enshrined in law

“5. Its people have a legal right to a healthy environment, free of air, dust, visual and noise pollution, living peacefully in their homes and enjoying all public spaces.”

FAA Charter 2022

Rights Enshrined in The FAA Charter

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Our Key Objectives

  • To articulate with other organisations a common vision of how we’re going to free Malta and Gozo from the ongoing negative overdevelopment, the consequential destruction of our environment and the diminishing quality of life for its citizens.


  • Our Quality of life is deteriorating and our politicians and respective government agencies seem to be in denial. This is about uprooting a deep rot of organised vandalism that has infiltrated government agencies.


  • To fight for the protection of Malta and Gozo’s natural (built, land, sea) and cultural heritage as the environment is the common property of all of us. These public goods should remain public and not privatised at the expense of the common person.


      • This is achieved by promoting inclusive sustainable development through our campaigns for better laws and policies or protesting against weak ones. A proper town planning department is run for people, not developers and businessmen


  • We promote and develop positive initiatives and eco-projects that can provide us with the tools we require as a community to take care of and protect our environment and heritage.


  • Finally, we constantly seek to raise public awareness of the hidden treasures located throughout our islands.

How Do We Achieve It?

1 . Objective-Connecting People with Our Heritage and Environment

  •  Promote the value and benefits of our natural environment and heritage so that far more people engage with, understand and enjoy it, particularly those who have not benefited before.
  •  This will help FAA to create a stronger voice to enhance and protect our history, culture and the environment, including locally-valued landscapes.

2. Objectives-Empower Communities

Develop and empower a network to engage with communities – to involve more people in improving their local environment through volunteering and local action rather than FAA taking on such actions.

    • A collaborative, effective national and local campaigning network.
    • A more diverse volunteer base for FAA/or local partners a comprehensive volunteering programme.
    • Practical and innovative ways for people to enjoy, promote, enhance and protect their local heritage and environment

3. Objectives Grow: Capacity

  • Bring together a larger and more diverse group of people who share our belief in our environmental and cultural heritage, for a socially inclusive and sustainable quality of life. This will increase our resilience, income and capacity.


Initiatives & Getting Involved

4. Educating the Public & Community Groups – Objective

Increase awareness about our cultural and environmental heritage through education.

6. To develop a positioning highlighting the Quality of Life umbrella concept – Strategy

  • Define the key elements of this umbrella term to clarify exactly what we work towards.
  •  To include such elements in our decisions to take up a case, not a narrow focus on a building in itself. (ties in with the idea of totality and whole area impact).
  • Link in with Human Rights and EU.

9. Sound Organisation & structure

Text still needs to be added

Replace Who are we? to Who Are We
Reduce line spacing
Change to Our Key Objectives

We need to make a link between the two paragraphs and the bullet points

[1st Bullet point]To articulate with other organisations a common vision of how we’re going to free Malta and Gozo from the ongoing negative overdevelopment, the consequential destruction of our environment and the diminishing quality of life for its citizens.

[Needs to be inset]This is achieved by promoting inclusive sustainable development through our campaigns for better laws and policies or protesting against weak ones. A proper town planning department is run for people, not developers and businessmen.

[Needs to be bullet point]We promote and develop positive initiatives and eco-projects that can provide us with the tools we require as a community to take care of and protect our environment and heritage.

[How do we achieve it?] as the title for the accordions