Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar calls on the authorities to use this time to plan for…
adminMay 16, 2020
All can see and are experiencing the real costs to society of the government’s economic…
adminApril 28, 2019
FAA vehemently condemns the proposed AUM extension in the heart of Cottonera. The…
adminMarch 28, 2019
FAA is appalled by the ongoing attempts to increase height and density of a hotel…
adminMarch 22, 2019
Stqarrija Stampa Konġunta 16/03/2019: Komunitajiet u għaqdiet jiftħu aktar kawżi l-Qorti kontra l-proġett tad-db Group Residenti,…
adminMarch 16, 2019
FAA and other NGOs holding a press conference outside Parliament. Konferenza Stampa 09/03/2019: Għad trid…
adminMarch 9, 2019
Credit: https://www.facebook.com/Stevebonelloart/ Stqarrija Stampa Konġunta 05/03/2019 Policy li tiprojbixxi pompi tal-petrol ODZ jeħtieġ li tiġi mplimentata…
adminMarch 5, 2019
FAA maintains that the transfer of a yet another vast area of prime real estate…
adminJanuary 14, 2019