Urban trees play multiple roles when it comes to local air pollution. While trees in…
adminApril 11, 2015
The power station is not the only source of Malta’s air pollution problems. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli…
adminMarch 29, 2015
Plant-covered walls could slash air pollution in some city streets, recent research suggests. Living Wall…
adminMarch 28, 2015

The TerraFirma Collective, a newly established NGO Platform, as part of the “Empowering Maltese…
adminMarch 26, 2015
SOER Common environmental theme from Malta The protection of air quality is one of the…
adminMarch 22, 2015
Living on a water scarce country is no simple feat for Malta. For a more…
adminMarch 22, 2015

Last week Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar together with other organisations held its…
adminMarch 21, 2015

Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) maintains that development in Malta should not be…
adminMarch 14, 2015