Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar welcomes the PN’s proposals in favour of environment and heritage launched in its environment policy document. The entrenchment of environmental rights for citizens in the Constitution is an essential first step, and welcomed by FAA.
Equally urgent is the repealing of the very damaging Design Guidelines 2015 which allow two more storeys in Malta’s towns and villages. FAA calls for the reinstatement of ethics, which would preclude working architects from places on the PA’s Boards which is leading to abuse.
FAA supports the proposed fiscal incentives for the restoration of heritage properties, but calls on the Planning Authority and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage to immediately block the present wave of destruction of heritage homes, or there will be nothing left to preserve. The Public Domain Act has been ratified, what is holding Government back from stepping in to save unique sites that are deteriorating fast? FAA calls for training courses in restoration and sustainable construction, to give contractors who wish to switch to these fields a professional formation. The eNGO also endorses the setting up of Green Wardens.
FAA welcomes the fact that finally one of the two main parties has realised that its role is to protect the health and quality of life of people over all of Malta and Gozo, rather than to promote the interests of a handful of developers. Now let’s see it happen!