A public consultation to reform the Constitution of Malta has been launched, inviting NGOs and members of the public to make their recommendations for changes to the supreme law of the land.
The FAA committee sees this as an unmissable opportunity to strengthen the protection of Malta’s environment and cultural heritage in the constitution, as presently the Constitution of Malta protects Malta’s heritage and environment in principle:
CHAPTER II – Declaration of Principles (clause 9)
(1) The State shall safeguard the landscape and the historical and artistic patrimony of the Nation.
(2) The State shall protect and conserve the environment and its resources for the benefit of the present and future generations and shall take measures to address any form of environmental degradation in Malta, including that of air, water and land, and any sort of pollution problem and to promote, nurture and support the right of action in favour of the environment.
However, the above clause is rendered toothless by the final clause of the same chapter:
CHAPTER II – Declaration of Principles (clause 21)
The provisions of this chapter shall not be enforceable in any court…
The FAA Committee is therefore proposing that the constitution be reformed through the addition of a chapter specifically dedicated to the protection of heritage and environment.
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