The fact that heavy plant and equipment has been transported and assembled into an illegal batching plant in a quarry in Kercem Gozounder the nose of the authorities by the untouchable developer Joseph Portelli comes as no surpriseto anyone, says NGO Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar. And though it was common knowledge in Gozo that the illegal batching plant was being assembled, the authorities closed both eyes and did not intervene.
Under successive governments the rape of Gozo has been picking up pace to reduce Gozo to another Malta through a combination of over-development, destruction of heritage and lack of enforcement.
Increased building heights have created huge blank party walls in Xewkija and Xaghra, and engulfed Marsalforn’s beautiful church, reducing the village to another Buġibba. The Planning Authority issued permits for the building of a Lidl supermarket and other commercial sites in Xewkija Valley and watercourse, an Eco-Gozo site! At Għajnsielem Planning Authority officials ignored repeated reports of abuse and issued development permits that violate the PA’s own regulations. Destruction of trees, some ordered by the Ministry of Gozo, have stripped the seafronts of Marsalforn and Xlendi of their charm. In spite of the best efforts of Gozo NGO Wirt Għawdex, permits granted by the Planning Authority, last year resulted in the collapse of the outer wall of the ditch of the Cittadella, a proposed UNESCO Heritage Site.
Twenty-one years ago, the owners of the Kercem Quarry under scrutiny were ordered to stop extending the perimeter of the quarry illegally, yet the extensions continued and no action has been taken to this day. All this abuse will continue until Governments show real determination to stamp out abuse, rather than encourage it. Measures could include heavy fines pegged at the net worth of the company as in Scandinavia. Cases of abuse should be disqualified from any form of sanctioning. Disciplinary action to be taken against PA officials failing to act upon reports. ‘Three strikes and out’ point system that would disqualify repeatedly abusive developers from applying for permits and reward honest ones. Until such measures are taken, abusive developers will continue in their chokehold that is destroying the Maltese islands and the health of its residents.
FAA spokesperson Astrid Vella contends that the Planning Authority’s claim that it ”had not received any complaints” related to the latest batching plant case, is a crushing indictment of the Planning Authority’s lack of commitment to reverse abuse in the interests of Gozo’s public health, heritage and the future of Gozo’s tourism.