Send an objection to PA/07496/16 by copying the text below and sending by email to [email protected]
DEADLINE – FRIDAY 29/03/2019
I object to PA/07496/16 which will lead to the loss of open space in the heart of the Three Cities, and the privatization of the Cottonera Waterfront. This historic coastal front forms part of the public realm providing the people of the locality with open spaces for recreation and enjoyment. The development will also result in the loss of heritage through the proposed demolition of larger extent of Knight’s Building. This building forms part of our cultural heritage must not be compromised through the allowance of this absurd proposal.
The development as such runs counter to a number of policies listed below;
– Counter to U.O.3.8 which aims to ‘protect and enhance the character and amenity of distinct urban areas by, Retaining and seeking to upgrade existing public gardens, playgrounds, promenades and other public open spaces in urban areas
– Counter to U.O.3.9 which aims to then achieve ‘a minimum level of urban public open space per person, part of which should be green open space
– Counter to T.O.8.7 which ims to safeguard cultrural heritage by setting a presumption against the demolition of scheduled and vernacular buildings
– Counter to U.O.2.2 which aims to improve the townscape and environment in historic cores, again with a presumption against demolition of property worthy of conservation by encouraging good restoration practices and conservation
– Counter to Local Plan policy GC05, which states that ‘The use of the waterfront as a recreational space is an important element leading to the regeneration of the area…Due to the lack of recreational facilities in Cottonera, public access to the waterfront needs to be safeguarded in accordance with the Coastal Zone policies of the Structure Plan.’
The Authority should be working to provide more open spaces most especially within densely built-up urban areas like the Three cities and and not allow those that exist today to be taken over for private use and speculative gain to the detriment of the people of Cottonera. Through the acquisition and complete loss of the remaining open spaces around the Dock 1 area, this proposal is an example of a poorly conceived proposal that will have a direct detrimental impact on the liveability and amenity of the Three Cities and must be refused by the competent authority.