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FAA disgusted by ongoing abuse at Ghajnsielem hotel

By March 22, 2019August 12th, 2022No Comments

FAA is appalled by the ongoing attempts to increase height and density of a hotel in Ghajnsielem through piecemeal applications and abusive practices.
In 2016 the hoteliers applied for an extension to the hotel which was refused by the Planning Authority. This decision was then overturned by the Tribunal who subsequently granted the permission for the development of an additional floor and lightweight roof structure.
The permit was already deemed to be  controversial by FAA which maintains that the request was beyond that which could be attained in the area due to its vicinity to the village core. The developer then went on to incrementally increase the size of the approved development through numerous requests for ‘minor’ amendments. These amendments resulted in the roof structure initially approved as a lightweight structure covering just 75 square meters to a restaurant covering over 300sqm built in concrete.
FAA representative Tara Cassar noted that the use of concrete which can by no means be deemed a ‘lightweight structure’ was never formally requested by the hotelier rendering the construction as built, illegal.
The hotelier’s blatant attempt to defy planning constraints and increase the already overbearing size of this out-of-scale development overlooking the picturesque and visually sensitive Mgarr Harbour is abhorrent and should simply not be allowed to go on. The Authority must take action and ensure that planning legislation is not made a mockery of through such obviously abusive requests.
Press Release Issued 22/03/2019