FAA alarmed by Superintence of Cultural Heritage’s consent for a proposed development along the Wignacourt aqueduct in Attard that heritage experts have warned will harm the Grade1 scheduled monument.
The application for the construction of 4 villas covers a site flanked between the seventeenth century Wignacourt Aqueduct on one side and the late nineteenth century railway embankment on the other.
The development would require the construction of a new road along the Grade 1 scheduled Wignacourt Aqueduct for access to two of the proposed villas.
This new road would compromise the Grade 1 scheduled monument since it would have to be constructed at least 2 m above the aqueduct’s ground level. This would effectively bury the Grade 1 monument along a 2m deep trench-like ditch.
SCH is claiming they have no objection to the trench-like proposal since it would be setback from the scheduled monument; however heritage experts have warned that this entrenchment could create conditions that further aggravate its degradation.
FAA maintains that as a Grade 1 scheduled monument, the Wignacourt Aqueduct should be protected in its entirety and in its context. Through this application the historical structure will be buried, out of sight and out of mind. Its visual integrity would be completely compromised, lost beneath two roads, under an eventual build-up of gravel and soil.
The SCH’s acceptance of the proposal came as a surprise given their outrage at the Central Link project which is expected to have a negative impact on the same Aqueduct they’re failing to protect through their consent of this application.
The Planning Commission is to decide on the faith of this Grade 1 scheduled monument on Thursday.
Refer to PA/00836/18