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Scroll down to submit an objection to PA/05206/18 and help stop the destruction of this protected heritage building and its majestic garden.
The proposed development blatantly ignores all planning parameters and restrictions that would otherwise ensure the protection of this Grade 2 Scheduled property. Such an abusive disregard for planning policies and heritage buildings cannot be deemed acceptable by the competent Authority entrusted with safeguarding this country’s cultural, historic and architectural heritage.
From the proposal it is clear that if approved this development will result in a marked loss of fabric, contextual impairment and what can only be described as the complete obliteration of this Grade 2 Scheduled property’s context, aesthetic integrity, and architectural homogeneity through;
(i) Complete demolition of over 50% of its original fabric
(ii) Engulfing of remaining fabric by 7 storey addition
(iii) Total eradication of the mature Grade 2 Scheduled garden, to be replaced by basement parking and additional 8 storey development.
This is not acceptable – this is not planning.