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Submit an objection to PA/09084/17 to help stop the destruction of hundreds of trees along Triq Marija Addolorata and Triq Tal-Barrani
This application aims to;
(a) strip almost 1 km (Malta is 27km long) of road of all mature trees,
(b) widen traffic carriage-way for private transit,
(c) exclude adequate integrated bicycle lanes and pedestrianized paths and;
(d) insist on the encouragement of cars in a country that already has the second highest rate of cars per inhabitant in Europe
This is a short-sighted, ill-advised approach to traffic management that couldn’t be further from the direction Malta should be taking in order for it to be even a fraction nearer to any form of sustainable planning.
The destruction of hundreds of mature trees along Triq Marija Addolorata and Triq Tal-Barrani will impoverish Santa Lucija and Tarxien through the removal of the natural buffering these trees have provided these communities against the impact of heavy traffic, for decades.
This application goes against all principles of sustainability and long-term planning and must be refused by the Planning Authority.