Residents have had to take this fight for the regard of planning legislation to the Appeals Tribunal after having been completely ignored by the Planning Commission which unanimously approved the application last October, despite there being numerous policy violations flagged by the objectors.
FAA stated that this is yet another case of uncalled for loose and elastic interpretation of restrictions on height limitations within old town centers. Sadly this unsustainable interpretation is becoming the norm, with polices aimed at safeguarding the public and the environment being regularly ignored or diluted to enable the maximum number of floors to be built.
“It is ridiculous to have to fight for the implementation of planning regulations, when it is the Planning Authority which should be imposing them” said a spokesperson.
FAA calls upon the Authority to start applying the regulations in a spirit which is consistent with the safeguarding of our national heritage and quality of life before our islands’ beauty and uniqueness is lost
The FAA Committee