The eNGOs are however concerned that since Sadeen Education Investments Limited is a private firm, it is free to disregard the commitments made by the Prime Minister. The eNGOs are disappointed that the Prime Minister has not committed to leaving Zonqor Point in its natural state and that plans for the Zonqor Campus are in the meantime still being processed by the Planning Authority under the number PA 04746/17.
In the opinion of the eNGOs, the construction of the Zonqor Point campus should be called off completely and the land should be reinstated as part of the Inwadar National Park. In this manner the people of the surrounding localities will be able to enjoy this open space as originally envisaged.
In light of the considerable negative environmental impact of the project the eNGOs also wish to state that they remain committed in their opposition to the Zonqor Point campus and that they will be challenging the project through the planning process at the appropriate time.
The Press Release is signed by Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, the Ramblers Association of Malta, Front Ħarsien ODZ, Friends of the Earth Malta and Nature Trust Malta.