Dear Hon. Herrera,
When earlier last year we heard the positive news that the Maltese Government was in the process of banning the use of glyphosate in Malta, we were encouraged by the show of responsibility from government’s side as it chose to listen to the concerns of several experts and concerned individuals who have lobbied to free our fields, streets and gardens from this highly risky weed killer for our children and children’s children, as well as for the environment.
Unfortunately, this wish come true seems to be just an illusion since we have now learned through the media that this ban will only apply to products containing both Glyphosate and POE- tallowamine. This formula is in the process of being phased out in the EU, so this local ban is no more than window dressing.
In simple terms, this means that any other product containing the active ingredient glyphosate could still be used in spite of the promised ban.
We are now concerned more than ever about the possible continued use of glyphosate on thes islands. As you are aware, the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s has found that it is a probable human carcinogen (IARC classification 2A) whilst a new cutting edge study from Kings College has linked glyphosate to fatty liver disease. Furthermore tests carried out by Friends of the Earth Malta show that Maltese citizens have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their bodies. Laboratory tests carried out by Friends of the Earth Malta reveal that 9 out of 10 people’s urine samples in Malta contained traces of glyphosate.
Through this letter we urge you to contribute actively towards the primary prevention of cancer, by taking strong measures against glyphosate and make sure that this harmful chemical is completely banned from Malta. The reduction of environmental factors which contribute to cancer can significantly help us reduce your and our risks to cancer.
Whilst looking forward to hearing from you with a positive reply, we thank you for your attention.
Martin Galea De Giovanni
On behalf of 23 NGOs and 12 other entities* that form part of Clean Food Movement – Malta
*Action for Breast Cancer Foundation, Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Apikultura, Birdlife – Malta, Din L-Art Helwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth – Malta, Gaia Foundation, Għaqda tal-Konsumaturi – Consumers’ Association Malta, Moviment Grafitti, Green Drinks Malta, Greenhouse-Malta, Inizjamed, Koperattiva Kummerċ Ġust, Kopin, Multiple Sclerosi Society Malta, Nature Trust Malta, Organic Agriculture, Permaculture Foundation, Ramblers Malta, SKOP, Slow Food Movement, The Vegetarian Society, Zminijietna.
And the following entities:
Angka Café, Centre for Environmental Education & Research (CEER), Claire’s Veggie Wonders, Core Green Organic Foods, Cruelty Free Malta, Gugar Bar & Hang-out, Naturally Simply Organic, Sattva Health Shop, Shanti Organic & Natural Products, Shirley Cauchi – Holistic Health Coaching, Simply Organic, Sparkbow ECO Solutions.