Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) welcomes the 2017 budget measures to upgrade existing parks and create new ones, especially the plan to give Comino the status of a national park. Local Councils and private companies will also be incentivised to develop gardens and open spaces.
The Budget which has just been announced would seem to include many positive measures related to heritage and environment, however closer scrutiny reveals that many of the announced plans are half-measures consisting of committees to be set up and calls for proposals to be received. Many of the Valletta regeneration projects mentioned are already at an advanced stage, while others are still to receive proposals. Similarly, the rapid ferry service between Valletta and Mġarr Gozo should have moved on from the proposal stage by now.
FAA commends the fact that government is allocating €3.2 million for a fibreoptic link to attract more IT industry to Gozo and provide Gozitan youths with new employment opportunities.
Measures to promote the purchase of property by foreigners, fiscal incentives to boost purchases of property in Gozo and a €50 million plan to build social housing; these could have been perfect vehicles to encourage the redevelopment of Malta’s over 42,000 empty buildings. Instead they will almost certainly continue the process of building on precious open spaces.
Government claimed that it “will not ignore traffic issues” however its budgetary measures lack vision and commitment. While subsidising workplace communal transport initiatives is positive, the widening of roads and the building of carparks will only increase traffic, not diminish it. Such capital projects yet again put the interests of developers before the national interest. Promising more bicycle stands is risible when cycling lanes are missing where they are needed most. Free public transport for 18-year olds should be extended to all students and coupled with providing more frequent bus trips in order to convince car owners that public transport is a viable option. The budget is totally lacking in measures to incentivise the purchase of low-emission vehicles. Instead, the Government continues to encourage the creation of a motorsports track which will continue to fill the air with toxic emissions.
FAA asks whether the proposed expansion of harbour cruise berthing capacity will be accompanied by measures to reduce the air and noise pollution currently being generated due to lack of adequate facilities. The proposal to increase tourist arrivals is not linked to boosting low-season arrivals.
Rebates on restoration works for those who buy scheduled or urban conservation area properties are a very positive measure, as is the support for regional theatres. It is hoped that this will finally result in the long-overdue restoration of Australia Hall and Gżira’s historic Orpheum Theatre. Conversely the restoration of the Argotti bastion falls far short of what is needed to preserve fortifications all over the islands. It is hoped that more funds for the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and expanding the LESA enforcement system to cover environmental abuse will help curb the destruction of Malta’s environment and heritage.