5th October
ENGOs Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta and Ramblers Association Malta have filed a joint appeal against the granting of permission for four high rise towers in Mrieħel.
The appellant ENGOs reiterate their firm conviction that the Mrieħel locality was included as a location suitable for high-rise by the Government by stealth, after the public consultation was over. Through this the public were denied their right of adequate consultation and representation on a mega construction project which is set to have an irreversible negative impact on our collective environment.
Moreover the ENGOs insist that the phalanx of high rise towers will negatively affect the historic views between Mdina to Valletta, ruining our iconic skyline forever, and maintain that the tower’s visual impact on these vistas was inaptly assessed by the PA due to the inadequacy of the photo-montages submitted by the applicant.
The ENGOs will not allow this infringement of the public’s fundamental rights to continue, whilst others profit off the destruction of our collective natural and built environment.