This week MEPA issued a permit for the demolition of three of the last surviving Art Deco houses that gave Qui si-Sana its character. MEPA is now processing application PA01086/16 submitted by the Gozitan authorities to destroy a grand heritage house in Victoria, Gozo, leaving only the facade. This building is a landmark in the area; the façade shows a rare sophistication, however it is the interior that is outstanding, displaying a contemporary elegance that is hard to compare on our islands. Therefore preserving the façade would have no value if the splendid interior is destroyed.
This house deserves to be scheduled and protected by virtue of the fine detailing and the sweeping, elegant staircase alone, as has been done in other cases. Perit Conrad Thake has described it as: “A beautiful building which is certainly worthy of preservation both on its architectural merit and also given its significance that it was designed by famous architect and civil engineer Guze Damato (1886-1963)” who designed many outstanding buildings in Malta and Gozo. Guze Damato. “It would be barbaric if such a building would be demolished and the Planning Authority should not permit the demolition of such a building.”
Unlike Malta, Gozo does not have many Baroque public and private palazzos. This building with its extensive grounds at the back is ideally suited to be converted into a public building or boutique hotel, which would complement and enhance the Cittadella regeneration. It would be unthinkable of Government itself to deprive Gozo of such a building, merely to provide some extra parking spaces.
Furthermore, no photomontages have been submitted to assess the impact of the very large, three-storey car park on the Cittadella hillside, an Area of High Landscape Value. Since the site is an Area of Archaeological Importance, most of it on virgin land, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) maintains that the proposed car-park should be located on a less sensitive site. Carparks are normally found on the outskirts of historic cities in order to avoid more traffic in the heritage area, since vehicle emissions cause erosion in old stone.
This is a classic case of hollow architectural ‘facadism’ which runs counter to architectural conservation and rehabilitation in such a prime urban conservation area. It is a shame that Government that invested so much effort and funding to rehabilitate the Cittadella, should then be the one to destroy an integral part of the Cittadella’s heritage.
FAA condemns the fact that this building is already being stripped of the interior features that form an integral part of its original design and value. FAA calls on the Planning Authority and Superintendence of Cultural Heritage to halt this damage through the immediate implementation of an Emergency Conservation Order.
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar trustees:
Ing. Paul Cardona, Mr. Anthony Guillaumier, Sir Martin Laing, Marquis de Piro