In 2006 the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched a campaign to plant one billion trees to reverse sustainability problems. By 2009, 7 billion trees had been planted including in London, Berlin, Rome, Milan, Amsterdam, Marseille and Barcelona, even though they are well known for their parks. Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar condemns the fact that in contrast to these tree-planting efforts, Gozo is reversing its supposed Eco-Gozo ethos in destroying its urban trees.
Qala’s controversial plan was resisted by residents and the local church, however Victoria Local Council has been granted a permit to uproot all the trees that draw tourists to it-Tokk, provide shade and reduce pollution in this highly-polluted area. Replacement of mature trees The planned potted shrubs cannot compensate for mature trees, as trees cannot grow and function fully in pots. The reason that EU funds are being used to uproot trees is supposedly to discover archaeological remains beneath the square, however it is intended to re-seal the square after excavations. Therefore FAA asks, are the trees being removed to make way for more cafes as happened elsewhere in Gozo?
Nadur Local Council has just started uprooting all the trees that embellished its squares in a so-called ‘embellishment plan’, claiming that the trees were damaging house drains, however root damage is no excuse as it can be prevented by root-guards in use all over Europe. It was claimed that the Nadur trees were being immediately replanted. In order to survive replanting, trees have to specially prepared for months, and not be roughly pulled out of the ground with a crane and then left lying unplanted in the sun as the Nadur trees were.
It is incredible that local councils do not appreciate the value of trees for residents’ health. Leaves remove various dust pollutants from the air and absorb carbon from Gozo’s busy and polluted streets. Trees reduce the health problems related to air pollution, limit exposure to UV rays which is linked to skin cancer and diminish mental health problems by reducing stress.

Uprooted trees being trucked away supposedly for ‘immediate replanting’— but the next day they were still languishing in the sun in a builders’ yard (please note photo here below).
By shielding homes from sun and wind, trees can reduce the cooling costs by as much as 45%, also reducing winter heating.* Trees catch rainfall, reducing stormwater flooding and replenishing the aquifer. Studies have found that landscaping increases retail business and adds 5-10% to residential property values.
Gozitan councils are betraying their residents’ interests and health with this destruction of trees; it is shameful that MEPA should have granted permits for these damaging projects which undermine the quality of life that it is supposed to protect.
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar has obtained the services of an expert arborist, the forestry manager at Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, Marlborough House, Hampton Court and The Tower of London in order to find a solution that would save the trees in Victoria and Nadur while ensuring the aims of each project. Victoria Local Council and the Maltese authorities’ lack of response to this offer indicates a worrying indifference to residents’ health and Malta’s sustainability.
* Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies developed by the Climate Protection Partnership Division in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Atmospheric Programs.