Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth (Malta) and the Ramblers Association welcome and support the positive step taken by the MEPA Board in issuing Circular 3/14. It comes as a breath of fresh air after years of wilful misinterpretation of MEPA policies by certain quarters for their own gain.
In this instance the Board finally recognizes and tries to protect the importance of characteristic back gardens to the urban environment, as well as regulating the use of semi-basements and similar issues.
The NGOs always believed that the DC Policy and Design Guidelines 2007 is primarily a document of vision, establishing policies that, followed correctly, contribute to an aesthetically better and healthier urban environment. Unfortunately much of this vision has been lost due to misinterpretation and lack of application.
It is no secret that of recent years developers have been targeting houses with mature gardens in urban areas in order to replace their healthy open spaces with apartments. These gardens form an integral part of our urban heritage, especially in localities like Balzan, Lija and Attard, known for their gardens and citrus blossom scents. The loss of these essential green lungs undermines the quality of life of the whole community.
Though seriously threatened, it’s not too late to salvage are the last few connected gardens on Old Railway road Balzan, Villino Chappelle and the Villa Bonici gardens, among others. They are the last remaining source of oxygen and open space in those specific urban areas. These gardens also harbour protected species, help mitigate flooding, and are contributing to the health and wellbeing of society.
FAA, FoE and Ramblers Malta take the opportunity of this singular occasion to request the Board to be similarly proactive from now on and show its mettle as the highest authority within the Authority. It can start by addressing the issue of energy efficiency of buildings. The Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations law published in 2012 and retroactive to 2009 clearly stipulates that “an Energy Performance Certificate based on the design rating of the building” is to be submitted with every development application to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. The NGOs call on MEPA to fulfil this duty, especially now that the Malta Resources Authority has trained and registered around 195 Energy Performance assessors. High time that building permits abide by EU directives, besides the energy savings and environmental benefits for the nation!
FAA, FoE and Ramblers Malta trust that the MEPA Board is not discouraged by criticism of its Circular 3/14 by the Chamber of Architects and the Malta Developers Association that is motivated by self-interest, and not the good of the nation. The NGOs augur that MEPA continues on this new path to minimize as much as possible improbable interpretations of its positive policies, respecting their spirit and disdaining ill-will.
It is the first act of the Board toward reining in abuse and regaining lost respect for the Authority.