MEPA’s policy states that it will not allow any structure which : “would adversely affect scenic value breaking a presently undisturbed skyline, … obstruct a pleasant and particularly a panoramic view or introduce alien forms.” As may be seen from the space-ship like structures being built, this project violates all those clauses. This development was permitted even though smaller projects in the same setting are being refused.
The application for 10 plots on this virgin site was originally refused in 2008 as it contravened several policies. How then could it have been approved in 2009 when the plans had become more abusive, increased to 12 plots, all substantially smaller than the one tumolo required by the Local Plan? The NGOs maintain that this permit was illegitimate and void since it violates the law.
The Madliena Ridge project was never referred to the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage or the Superintendence of Fortifications even though it was evident that it would destroy the setting of the Victoria Lines. MEPA’s Heritage Unit condemned the project which destroyed protected carob trees and dry stone walls.
Thursday’s hearing concerned the sanctioning of works not built according to approved plans and other amendments. The developers repeatedly claimed that the proposal was to reduce the project since the number of villas is to be reduced from 24 to 20 units. It was not made clear to the MEPA Board that the developers are only joining units to make larger houses therefore the footprint on the unbuilt valley-side is to remain the same.
The NGOs maintain that once MEPA had granted a permit that was in blatant breach of the Local Plan, the very least one would expect from it is to avoid repeating abuse. The architect in charge of this project has been found by MEPA’s Auditor to be responsible for serious violations on the Ta’ Baldu site of historic importance. One would imagine that the Madliena site would be closely monitored, yet the Enforcement team stepped in once much of the illegal work was built; a Stop Notice was never issued as MEPA is obliged to do. Permitting breaches of its policies time and again only serves to undermine the recent reform implemented on the Prime Minister’s initiative, setting a very dangerous example that laws are there to be broken.
The NGOs urged the MEPA Board to postpone the hearing by one week to allow registered objectors to have the assistance of an architect or to carry out a site visit in order to appreciate the impact of the proposed developments on the Victoria Lines. Chairman Franco Montesin dismissed both requests. The pro-development Major Projects Unit and board chairman together have ensured that another abusive permit has been granted by MEPA.
The fact that the developer has to pay a sum in compensation for project’s negative impact is no more than blood money for the destruction of our fortifications and rural heritage.