Public Interest precedes 2007 outline development permit
In a landmark decision earlier today, the MEPA Board unanimously refused to give a full development permit for an application which in August 2007 was granted an outline permit. The proposed development, which includes the demolition of a disused rabbit farm and the construction of industrial premises, was deemed by the MEPA Board to go against the public interest, as the development was not respecting the planning policies for this site.
The Planning directorate recommended this full development application for approval given that in August 2007, the Mepa Board had already agreed in principle with this development and granted an outline permit.
The site which is within the Rural Conservation Area of Maghtab, is predominantly made up of agricultural land and farm buildings.
Mepa Chairman Mr Austin Walker said ‘While we respect the decisions taken by previous Boards, the Board takes decisions based on today’s planning policies and on the principle of sustainable development while making sure that permits are granted in the public interest.’
The Mepa Board today also gave the green light to the master plan that seeks planning consent for the proposed development of a new campus and sports facilities for MCAST in Paola. The outline permit for this Master plan includes the development of a number of multi-discipline blocks, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, parking areas and open landscaping.
The Master plan, which covers a floor area of approximately 150,000 sq meters, will include the installation of a bridge across Corradino Hill which will link the MCAST educational complex with the Gaddafi Gardens on the opposite side. To address the Air Quality problem in the area and tackle the traffic impact this development will cause, the Plan has included a Green Transport Plan which effectively introduce and implement a number of green travel initiatives.