Full credit is due to MEPA for such direct action. However environment and heritage group Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar (FAA) points out that in spite of reports, MEPA did not carry out regular monitoring of the site. As a result, MEPA enforcement staff failed to notice that the owner frequently removes the large concrete blocks originally placed by MEPA to close off this site – as may be seen in the photos above – putting them back in place in the evenings.
To add insult to injury, heavy plant vehicles are frequently driven out of the `sealed gate’ indicating that the owner has reversed MEPA’s legitimate action. MEPA officers recently inspected this site but reported that “Everything was in order.” FAA asks whether they enquired as to the presence and contents of the containers which are parked just opposite the scrap yard and are changed regularly? Did they notice that the corners of the concrete blocks are worn down due to their being moved frequently? Did they check the gate seal to ensure that it is still intact or investigate the origins of the continued export of scrap since the yard’s closure last year?
Residents living near the scrap yard have been subjected to decades of grit-laden air, unbearable noise throughout the day caused by the compression of metal and heavy toxic smells when tyres and other toxic material are set on fire. A horrendous blot on the landscape, this scrap yard overlooks the picturesque Wied Żembaq in Birżebbuġia. The scrap is encroaching on the valley slope and moving into the valley.
The more the authorities allow this scrap yard to spread, the greater the damage to this sensitive valley which has been designated as an EU site of ecological and archaeological importance and which includes Borġ in-Nadur and Għar Dalam prehistoric sites. These sites are frequented by tourists who are shocked at the sight of the festering eyesore just opposite. It is disgraceful that communities and places of special interest are left to the mercy of a few irresponsible people.
The owner was offered an alternative site at Ħal-Far, an ideal location not only for the scrap yard but also for the heavily-laden trucks and trailers to be routed through Ħal–Far instead of having to cross through the village core. In spite of this, the scrap yard has so far been allowed to remain in its cheaper, rent-free location.
FAA condemns the fact that the residents’ struggle to close down this illegal scrap yard still drags on after more than fifteen years and after a court order to have the yard closed. It is equally unacceptable that in spite of its illegal status, Government has continued to award this yard contracts for the disposal of scrap. The MEPA closure remains ineffective unless serious monitoring is undertaken and daily penalties imposed on the people responsible for this illegality.