It is now clear that instructions given to architect Renzo Piano were to design a parliament building and restore dignity to City Gate. The rebuilding of the opera house has been discussed intermittently since its destruction, but the idea of a parliament building was merely mentioned to the public and never revived, although Piano has been working on the project for around three years.
FAA is concerned that the size of this building risks overwhelming the surrounding structures. Elevation drawings of the Parliament building are misleading because the display model shows Parliament the same height as St James’ Cavalier but the architectural elevation gives the impression that the top of St James’ Cavalier will be visible from Republic Street even though the Parliament building will for the most part obliterate St James’ Cavalier.
Leading heritage cities like Prague and St Petersburg do not allow modern or high structures within their historic perimeters and only time will tell whether this building on stilts just inside the bastions will blend harmoniously with Valletta’s architecture.
Siting of Parliament facing the shopping arcade and social housing block of Freedom Square is undignified and lacking in prestige. Plans had been drawn up for a larger parliament to be accommodated above the Main Guard and flanking buildings. This site would be a far more dignified and politically significant location. Alternatively, the Sacra Infermeria would also be a suitable place for Parliament and plans are already available for the conversion of the Conference Centre auditorium into a parliamentary chamber. Auberge de Baviere was until recently also being considered.
The parliament building has been presented as a fait accompli irrespective of citizens’ wishes. Moreover, this €80 million project is being launched at a time when the country is experiencing another bad year for tourism and an economic downturn.
While fully supporting the regeneration of City Gate area, FAA questions the wisdom of siting Parliament in a space that, with help of EU funding, could be used for an easily accessible public library, contemporary art gallery or exhibition space for Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti collections. This would establish the area as a cultural magnet, boost cultural tourism and benefit Malta.