It was recently announced that Malta will request exemption from EU rules on air quality and PM10 particulate traffic pollution until mid-2011. The standard approach of our Government seems to be that of ignoring EU policies and then applying for exemptions. There is now irrefutable, damning scientific proof confirming the adverse health effects of traffic pollution, especially that caused by faulty diesel engines. This should be cause for concern for us all, especially for parents whose children’s health is being damaged through growing up in polluted environments. Pollutants contribute to asthma and other pulmonary complaints, cardiac conditions and cancer.
The UK Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) reaffirmed the adverse health effects of pollution and their findings further strengthen the case against particulates from vehicle exhaust emissions.In spite of this, the Transport andEnvironment Authorities and Health Department continue to ignore the scientifically proven fact that the people’s, and especially children’s, health continues to be jeopardised by pollution from buses and many diesel-powered vehicles.
The least that can be done at this point is to deal competently with offending vehicles. Over two months ago The Times reported that Minster Austin Gatt “demanded the (SMS Alert) system be put back in place”.
Given the seriousness of the pollution, re-starting the SMS alert system is foot-dragging and many have lost faith in it. Requiring three members of the public to report polluting vehicles is an absurd delay. The pollution from so many vehicles is clearly visible. The only effective way of dealing with this environmental scourge is for these vehicles to be reported directly by police and wardens, while roadside testing is intensified. Vehicles must be tested without owners being given a chance to temporarily put things right to pass VRT testing and then revert to malpractice.
Curtailing further property speculation in over-developed traffic-congested areas will also help. The cost of doing nothing is far too high, both in human term of human lives as well as Government expenditure on health care.
Requesting exemption from EU rules until mid-2011 is irresponsible.MRRA is also trying to buy more time by non-submission of air quality notification of compliance to the EU.
Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar reiterates that to continue neglecting to act on the problem is an irresponsible dereliction of the duty of our Government to protect the health of the nation.