Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Ramblers Association of Malta, NatureTrust and Save Wied Garnaw Action Group welcomes the news that rejection of Ta’ Cenc project is highly probable as indicated by a report from MEPA’s planning directorate seen by the Sunday Times. This recommendation to refuse the permit for the controversial Ta’ Cenc tourism complex in Gozo was made due to the fact that if such a permit is granted, the authority would subsequently find difficulties in resisting similar proposals which would endanger and erode Gozo’s open and rural character. This is wise advice which also applies to Gozo’s other mega-projects, since it is known that the headlands of both Ramla and Hondoq have already been eyed for eventual development by speculators.
The NGOs hopes that the MEPA Board, due for the final decision in 6 weeks time, will bury once and for all the controversial development, the original application for which had been filed back in 1996. Although an Environment Impact Assessment had been carried out for the project, the NGOs considered it incomplete as it left out the large central area which was possibly earmarked for a golf course.
Ta’ Cenc is set in a scenic coastal-cliff area, partially overlooking Mgarr ix-Xini. The site is adjacent to a protected Natura 2000 site and should also have been included in the list of Special Protected Areas for migratory and vulnerable wild bird species. Last June infringements proceedings were in fact launched by the European Commission against Malta due to these glaring omissions but Government has not yet responded to these infringement proceedings.
The NGOs now hope that this will be the next step in the right direction, thus seeing a fully protected Ta’ Cenc being guarded and treasured for all future generations.