Flimkien Ghall Ambjent Ahjar would like to commend MEPA for the recent scheduling of the salt-water wetlands of tal-Maghluq and is-Simar, areas which support unique ecosystems which would eventually be lost without such scheduling.
The environment NGO would also particularly like to show its support for MEPA’s action in pulling down the upper floor of a commercial outlet in Zebbug which was not covered by a development permit.
We are very much encouraged by, and fully support the way MEPA employees, the policemen involved, and the army handled this very difficult situation. FAA hopes that MEPA will continue with these brave enforcement initiatives as it is no use for the authorities to urge the public to abide by our planning laws, or for citizens and NGOs to cooperate by bringing such blatant irregularities to the attention of the authorities, unless enforcement is carried out.
Meanwhile FAA will continue to call on the MEPA boards, or persons involved with MEPA, to desist from taking decisions which go against the spirit of the law and our environment. FAA is solely interested in safeguarding every Maltese citizen quality of life, and assisting the genuine elements within MEPA ranks in preventing these islands from being abusively over-built, with the resultant irreversible loss of our natural and cultural heritage.
We augur that MEPA repeats the stance taken in Zebbug with the many other illegal constructions which are ruining the Maltese islands..